特別セミナー「アジャイル品質と引継ぎパターン」 2016年9月30日

世界最大級のパターンコミュニティHillside Group代表でありアジャイル開発やパターン、さらにはソフトウェアアーキテクチャについて著名なJoseph Yoder氏をお招きして、アジャイル品質と引継ぎパターンに関する特別セミナーを開催します。セミナーではYoder氏より、ソフトウェアのアジャイル開発を進めていく際の品質の捉え方、品質保証のあり方をパターン集としてまとめた「Quality Assurance to Agile Quality」(パターン名和訳リスト QA-Patterns-List-Japanese)を詳しく紹介いただきます。さらに、早稲田大学 伊藤より、Yoder氏との共同成果である担当者間の引継ぎをスムーズに進めるためのパターン集を紹介すると共に、参加者を交えたワークショップ形式で、引継ぎパターンの関係を探り、周辺のパターン候補を検討します。参加費無料、登録不要です。ぜひご参加ください。


主催: 早稲田大学グローバルソフトウェアエンジニアリング研究所(スーパーグローバル大学創成支援 SGU Waseda Ocean ICT・ロボット工学拠点 参画)
日時: 2016年9月30日(金)19:00-21:00
場所: 早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス 63号館 5階 0526会議室(東京メトロ副都心線 西早稲田駅、JR山手線・西武新宿線・東京メトロ東西線 高田馬場駅)
参加費: 無料
参加申込: 不要です。会場まで直接お越しください。

19:00-19:05 オープニング 鷲崎 弘宜(早稲田大学グローバルソフトウェアエンジニアリング研究所 所長)

19:05-19:50 Being Agile about Qualities: Values, Practices, and Patterns(国際会議 Part 1: AsianPLoP’14, Part 2: PLoP’14, Part 3: SugarLoafPLoP’14, Part 4: PLoP’15, Part 5: AsianPLoP’16, Part 6: PLoP’16)(英語講演、質疑 日英可)
Joseph Yoder(Hillside Group, Inc. 代表)

When developing and delivering large, complex systems it can be all too easy to focus on features and overlook software qualities or “non-functional” requirements such as security, scalability, performance or reliability. As agile spreads across your organization it is even more important to pay attention to quality concerns and coordinate the delivery of features along with necessary architecture and system infrastructure work. As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and roles need to evolve. Agile teams embrace a “whole team” approach and incremental delivery of system functionality along with system qualities (also known as non-functional requirements). This requires changes to the ways we work. Instead of gate keepers, Quality Assurance (QA) is engaged and involved throughout development helping clarify system quality requirements and how they will be measured. Quality Control generally refers to inspection activities that occur at the end of a process. Quality Assurance or Total Quality Control is an alternative to Quality Control which recognizes that inspection at the end is ineffective and that you can be more effective if you take a more holistic approach that builds quality into the process from the start engaging the whole team, which we call Agile Quality (AQ). Although special skills may be required to develop and test system qualities, everyone on the team needs to be focused on their delivery.

This session introduces techniques and practices for interjecting system quality specification and related architecture, design and testing efforts into your project while being more agile about it. I will present several agile techniques and practices that support the definition and delivery of system qualities. I will explore how QA, including testers, and architects can collaborate to ensure that system qualities are addressed in an agile manner emphasizing architecture capabilities such as usability, security, performance, scalability, and availability. We will look at options for coordinating work among teams and you will be exposed to techniques and practices that support the incremental definition and delivery of system qualities along with system functionality along with weaving quality-related work into your projects and programs.

Short BIO related to the topic:
Joseph has been innovating, collecting and writing about the best practices and patterns on this topic for over 5 years with various colleagues. During this time he has given presentations, workshops, and keynotes at various conferences and in industrial settings. Joseph has published (and continues writing and collecting) over two dozen patterns on this topic. He has also been working with organizations on the best practices for Agile Quality Assurance and also shepherded various Agile Experience reports on the topic. Variations of this material has been presented as talks and workshop/tutorials at various conferences (Agile, JDD in Poland, SugarLoaf PLoP, Agile Portugal, AgileBrazil, YOW! in Australia, Saturn, and Israel Conference on Software Architecture) as well as to some of Joe’s clients. In 2015 Joseph won the New Directions award with a colleague at Saturn 2015, given to the presentation that best describes innovative new approaches and thought leadership in the application of architecture-centric practices for our presentation QA to AQ: Shifting from Quality Assurance to Agile Quality (see https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/saturn/2015/05/saturn-2015-awards-conferred.html).

19:50-20:00 引継ぎパターンランゲージ(2016年10月3日掲載)
(国際会議 PLoP’16 発表、日本語講演)
伊藤 佳衣(早稲田大学)

「引き継ぎ」は優れた知識や技術を企業に残すうえで、重要な活動です。引き継ぎの失敗により、必要な知識や技術が失われてしまう事例は多くみられています。2006年1月に日経BPのWebサイト上で実施されたシステム引き継ぎに関するアンケートでも、多くの引き継ぎに関する経験談が投稿されています(アンケートの内容については、http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/OPINION/20060324/233161/ において公開されています。)。また、我々が実施したシステム業務従事者を対象とした引き継ぎに関するワークショップでも多くの失敗談が提供されました。我々は、引き継ぎの失敗事例について特性要因図やなぜなぜ分析などを用いて、原因の分析を行いました。その結果に基づき、失敗の原因を解決するための「引き継ぎパターンランゲージ」を提案しています。




20:00-20:55 ワークショップ: 引継ぎパターンの関連付け(と周辺パターン候補発見の試み)
ファシリテータ: Joseph Yoder、伊藤 佳衣、鷲崎 弘宜(日英 併用)


20:55-21:00 クロージング