IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board Seminar (Feb 20th, Tokyo/online): Standards Development Opportunities & Leadership Experiences

IEEE Computer Society 規格標準Edward副会長やWifi規格関係者の来日を記念し、2月20日(木)夜にStandards Development Opportunities & Leadership Experiencesセミナーを早稲田大学ならびにオンラインにて無料開催します。IEEE Japan OfficeやCS Tokyo/Japan Chapter、CS Standards Activities Boardとの連動企画。IEEE CS関連標準やWifi関連の解説に加えて、国際標準の開発やそのキャリアへの役立て方など盛り沢山の内容です。IEEE-CS 鷲崎会長からもSWEBOKほか関連活動をご紹介します。ぜひご参加下さい。

*Call for Participation*
IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board Seminar:
Standards Development Opportunities & Leadership Experiences

2025 Feb 20th, Tokyo and Online

If it wasn’t for industry standards, every engineer would be struggling significantly more to develop and implement new technology. Many of us who have worked in computing have had to reference one standard or another, and as the industry moves quicker every year, the need to develop new standards in computer science and engineering more become even more important. But how do these standards get created? Who comes up with these? What are the hot topics in, for example, AI and Wi-Fi for standards?

Join us for a special presentation with a few IEEE Computer Society’s Standards Activities Board experienced standards experts to get all questions answered! Furthermore, the IEEE CS 2025 President will introduce its strategic areas and the SWEBOK Guide, which has been adopted as an ISO/IEC standard.

Date: 6:00pm-7:30pm Japan Time (UTC +9), February 20th THU

Venue: Online and Waseda University, Green Computing Systems Research and Development Center (Building No.40), 1st Floor

Registration: Register HERE for your in-person/remote(*) participation.
*You will receive a Zoom Link later.

Registration fee: Free

Sponsors: IEEE Japan Office, IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Chapter, Waseda University Global Software Engineering Laboratory

Organizer: IEEE Computer Society

6:00pm-6:05pm: Opening and Introduction of IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Chapter
Mahito Sugiyama (IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Chapter)

6:05pm-6:20pm: IEEE Computer Society’s Strategic Activities and Products including SWEBOK Guide
Hironori Washizaki (IEEE Computer Society President, Waseda University)

6:20pm-6:35pm: Introduction of IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities
Edward Au (IEEE Computer Society Vice President for Standards Activities)

6:35pm-6:50pm: Introduction of how to get involved in IEEE Standards Association and its standards development process
Lei Wang (IEEE Standards Association Standards Board Chair)

6:50pm-7:30pm: Introduction of IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) and how involvement in standards development shapes career
Dorothy Stanley (IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair, IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors)

Analysis of Agile Software Development Process Metrics and User Satisfaction in Open Source Software, accepted for Journal of Information Processing (Scopus)

Ayana Uematsu, Minshun Yang, Hironori Washizaki, Naoyasu Ubayashi, Juichi Takahashi, Yohei Takagi, “Analysis of Agile Software Development Process Metrics and User Satisfaction in Open Source Software,” Journal of Information Processing, Vol.33, pp. 1-12, 2025. (Scopus)

Abstract: Agile software development (ASD) methods, currently the primary development approach, use various metrics for quality management. However, few existing research studies directly measure the ASD process improving user satisfaction even though the user is the top priority in ASD. Therefore, this study aims to identify the ASD processes that affect user satisfaction with open-source software (OSS). We construct an information system named AS-ASD, which examines the relationships, especially time-series correlations, between ASD process metrics calculated by issues and pull requests in GitHub and user satisfaction calculated by user reviews in the Google Play Store. As a result, we found a correlation between issues processing time and user satisfaction but did not find a correlation between velocity and user satisfaction. These results, supported by quantitative analysis of user reviews, suggest that ASD processes that actively detect and address user feedback, as well as those capable of responding swiftly to user concerns, affect user satisfaction.

IEEE SWEBOK Summit: International Summit on Bodies of Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, and Certifications in Software Engineering, co-located with ICSE2025 Ottawa

The IEEE Computer Society will hold the IEEE SWEBOK Summit: International Summit on Bodies of Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, and Certifications in Software Engineering, co-located with ICSE2025 Ottawa. We solicit presentations. Submit your proposal now! (due: Feb 10) For this summit only, there will be no registration fee.

This Summit is a premier industry-focused event, bringing together practitioners, researchers, and educators from the SE communities to collaborate, share experiences and challenges, and provide future research directions on the body of knowledge, skills, and competencies required for current and future SE professionals, as well as related professional training and certifications. The Summit also encourages using the SWEBOK Guide V4 to address SE-specific challenges.

The IEEE Computer Society had the first 2025 Board of Governors meeting in Huntington Beach to discuss and plan the strategic activities for this year

The IEEE Computer Society had the first 2025 Board of Governors meeting in Huntington Beach to discuss and plan the strategic activities for this year (and long-term goals). Welcome all new and returning members! Furthermore, we visited the West Coast Office to meet with our great directors and staff. We cannot make any valuable programs and activities without their professional work and support. I want to extend my warmest appreciation to the members of the Board of Governors, directors and staff, and all volunteers and community members. Let’s make 2025 an exceptional year for the CS and the larger community to contribute to humanity by computing!

“発達障害に関するソフトウェアエンジニアリングに対する日本の研究動向: 系統的文献レビュー”, 情報処理学会論文誌に採択

宮﨑 仁, 鷲崎 弘宜, 大森 隆行, 槇原 絵里奈, 布村 佑奈, 小野 結衣, 小原 匠, 村上 綾菜, 王 雪竹, 新谷 勝利, 小林 浩, 野田 夏子, “発達障害に関するソフトウェアエンジニアリングに対する日本の研究動向: 系統的文献レビュー”, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 66, pp. 1-12, 2025.

下関・海峡メッセにてIPSJ SIGSE 主催 ウィンターワークショップ WWS2025 開催

下関・海峡メッセにてIPSJ SIGSE 主催 ウィンターワークショップ WWS2025 開催。6セッション70名近い過去最多レベルの盛況なものとなり、密な討議ありがとうございました!看板写真は巌流島を望むもの。運営の竹内先生・真鍋先生・各セッションリーダの皆様に感謝です。

  • 大久保利哉, “機械学習システムの不確実性を考慮したデータ駆動型かつシナリオベースのリスク分析”, ウィンターワークショップ2025・イン・下関, 情報処理学会/ソフトウェア工学研究会, 2025年1月10日(金)~11日(土)
  • 鷲崎弘宜, “学会組織におけるダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの取り組み – IEEE Computer Societyを例に”, ウィンターワークショップ2025・イン・下関, 情報処理学会/ソフトウェア工学研究会, 2025年1月10日(金)~11日(土)
  • 藤原雄矢, “AIシステムへの脅威に対するLLMを用いた緩和策の自動生成と検証”, ウィンターワークショップ2025・イン・下関, 情報処理学会/ソフトウェア工学研究会, 2025年1月10日(金)~11日(土)

Leadership and Engagement: IEEE Computer Society 2025 Key Strategies, IEEE Computer Society 2025 President Hironori Washizaki’s message and vision to the members and the greater community

As the 2025 President, I am honored to lead the IEEE Computer Society (CS), the world’s largest and influential computing professional society. The following is my message and vision for our members and the broader community, soon to be published in the January issue of Computer magazine.

Building on the remarkable achievements of Past-President Jyotika and her team, my goal for 2025 is to drive the continued growth and impact of the CS. This year, I aim to lead initiatives that are active, transformative, and aligned with our strategic areas, including engaging our members, engaging the industry, and leading new areas such as AI and Society, together with the cross-cutting strategic themes, including the empowerment and diversification of our volunteer base, nimbleness in execution, and diversity and inclusion.

The CS cannot achieve its mission without the strong support of our volunteers. I’d like to extend my warmest appreciation to all volunteers, the 2025 Board of Governors members and executive directors. Together, we will go beyond today’s AI and advanced technologies, overcome the limitations of current diversity and inclusion, and realize global sustainability. The CS is always your professional home. Your feedback and actions shape the CS to change the world and contribute to humanity. Our achievements this year will serve as a lasting foundation and inspiration for future endeavors of the CS, celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2026.

Hironori Washizaki
IEEE Computer Society 2025 President

New Year’s Resolution 2025 新年の抱負

New Year’s Resolution 2025

  • Summary of 2024: Year of International Advancement
    1. Society/Community: IEEE-CS President-Elect, IPSJ SIGSE Chair, ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 Convenor; IEEE COMPSAC/SIoT Chair, IISA Chair, FATTW Chair, AI-Patterns Chair, IEEE ISSRE Support, AsianPLoP Support; SWEBOK Guide V4 published, IEEE CS Juniors program established, ISO/IEC 24773 series publication completed.
    2. Research and Education Projects: JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ML Patterns, JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Machine Learning Support Software Maintenance and Evolution (ME-ML), JST Future Society eAI Framework, Smart SE, K-12 STEM Education (Sayama et al., IEEE CS Juniors). In addition, more than 5 industry support projects. Started leading W-SPRING-AI, a university-based doctoral student development program in the field of Next Generation AI (adopted by JST BOOST).
    3. Publications: 10+5 journal papers, 18 international conference/workshop papers, 7 books (editing and chapter contribution), 24 keynote/invited lectures, and 13 awards.
    4. Team: Professor Ubayashi has joined the team, strengthening the research supervision and management. Increase in the number of doctoral students. Numerous gatherings and get-togethers, including sports and BBQs.
  • Vision for 2025: Year of International Leadership
    1. Society/Community: As IEEE-CS President, engaging members, engaging industry, and leading new areas such as AI and Society (details: Leadership and Engagement: IEEE Computer Society 2025, Key Strategies). IEEE SWEBOK Summit, IEEE Generative AI Innovation Summit, and other new initiatives; IPSJ SIGSE Chair (until March), ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 Convenor; Organizing and contributing to IEEE COMPSAC/SIoT, IEEE ICST, AsianPLoP, and SWEBOK-related activities.
    2. Research and Education Projects: JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research ML Patterns, JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Machine Learning Support Software Maintenance and Evolution (ME-ML), Smart-SEE, K-12 STEM Education, etc. In addition, more than five industrial support projects. Synergy with international professional societies and community activities.
    3. Publicity and Achievements: to be recognized internationally as a community-leading research team in smart and intelligent software engineering for systems, business, and society by promoting research broadly while strengthening industrial and international collaboration, obtaining more funding, and, as a result, providing more value to society,  and contribute to the bodies of knowledge.
    4. Team: Promote domestic and international collaboration. Diversity through having various students, including international students and doctoral students.


  • 2024年のまとめ: 国際進展の年
    1. 学会・コミュニティ:  IEEE-CS次期会長、IPSJ SIGSE主査、ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 Convenor。IEEE COMPSAC/SIoTチェア、IISAチェア、FATTWチェア、AI-Patternsチェア、IEEE ISSREサポート、AsianPLoPサポート。SWEBOK Guide V4発行、IEEE CS Juniors program創設。ISO/IEC 24773シリーズ刊行完了。
    2. 研究教育プロジェクト: JSPS科研費MLパターン、JSPS 科研費 機械学習支援ソフトウェア保守進化(ME-ML)、JST未来社会eAIフレームワーク、スマートエスイー、K-12 STEM教育(狭山ほか、IEEE CS Juniors)など。さらに、5つ以上の産業支援プロジェクト。大学としての次世代AI分野博士育成W-SPRING-AI統括開始(JST BOOST採択)。
    3. 発信・業績: ジャーナル論文10+5本、国際会議・ワークショップ論文18本、書籍7冊(分担執筆、監修)、基調講演・招待講演24件、受賞13件。
    4. チーム: 鵜林教授が加わり研究指導体制の厚みと広がり。博士学生の増加。スポーツやBBQほか多数の集まりと懇親。
  • 2025年のビジョン: 国際リードの年
    1. 学会・コミュニティ: IEEE-CS会長として会員エンゲージメント増強、産業界参画推進、AIイノベーションを含む技術領域リードの活動全体を推進および革新的発展(詳細: Leadership and Engagement: IEEE Computer Society 2025 Key Strategies )。IEEE SWEBOK Summit、IEEE Generative AI Innovation Summitほか新たな取り組み。IPSJ SIGSE主査(3月まで)、ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 Convenor。IEEE COMPSAC/SIoT、IEEE ICST、AsianPLoPの開催と貢献。SWEBOK関連推進。
    2. 研究・教育プロジェクト: JSPS科研費MLパターン、JSPS 科研費 機械学習支援ソフトウェア保守進化(ME-ML)、スマートエスイー、K-12 STEM教育など。さらに、5つ以上の産業支援プロジェクト。国際的な学会・コミュニティ活動との相乗効果。大学としてのAI分野博士育成W-SPRING-AI統括継続。
    3. 発信・実績: システム、ビジネス、社会のためのスマート・知的ソフトウェア工学において、国際的にコミュニティをリードする研究チームとして認知されるよう、産業界や国際的な連携を強化しつつ研究を幅広く推進し、より多くの資金を獲得し、また結果として、社会に多くの価値を提供し、知識体系に貢献する。
    4. チーム: 国内外連携の促進。留学生や博士学生の新加入を含む多様性。

Health Literacy and Internet Use among Japanese Older Adults: A Gender-stratified Cross-sectional Analysis of the Moderating Effects of Neighborhood Relationships, accepted for inclusion in the journal Healthcare

Tsubasa Nakada, Kayo Kurotani, Satoshi Seino, Takako Kozawa, Shinichi Murota, Miki Eto, Junko Shimasawa, Yumiko Shimizu, Shinobu Tsurugano, Fuminori Katsukawa, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yo Ishigaki, Maki Sakamoto, Keiki Takadama, Keiji Yanai, Osamu Matsuo, Chiyoko Kameue, Hitomi Suzuki, Kazunori Ohkawara, “Health Literacy and Internet Use among Japanese Older Adults: A Gender-stratified Cross-sectional Analysis of the Moderating Effects of Neighborhood Relationships,” Healthcare, pp. 1-14, 2025. (SCIE, IF=2.4)