日科技連 SQiP研究会 第40年度(2024年度)研究会 研究員募集中。5月7日まで申込受付期間を延長。

我が国随一のソフトウェア品質を学習・調査研究する場である日科技連 SQiP研究会 第40年度(2024年度)研究員募集中。5月7日まで申込受付期間を延長しました!伝統的なテスト、レビュー、品質マネジメント、プロセス改善から、アジャイル品質、AI品質まで広く深くソフトウェア品質を学習・調査研究する我が国随一の場です。ぜひご参加ください!

Unraveling the Influences on Bug Fixing Time: A Comparative Analysis of Causal Inference Model, accepted for EASE 2024 Short Papers, Vision and Emerging Results

Sien Reeve Peralta, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Yuki Noyori, Shuhei Nojiri and Hideyuki Kanuka, “Unraveling the Influences on Bug
Fixing Time: A Comparative Analysis of Causal Inference Model,” 17th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2024), Short Papers, Vision and Emerging Results, pp. 1-6, Salerno, Italy, June 18-21, 2024.



鷲崎教授がTEAMZ WEB3 / AI SUMMIT 2024(虎ノ門ヒルズ, 2024年4月13日)にてパネル討論「Web3とAIの可能性」に登壇

鷲崎教授がTEAMZ WEB3 / AI SUMMIT 2024(虎ノ門ヒルズ, 2024年4月13日)にてパネル討論「Web3とAIの可能性」に登壇しました。

新妻 晋 / ALIBABA CLOUD Business Development Director
藤末 健三 / 東京大学 客員教授
鷲崎 弘宜 / 早稲田大学グローバルソフトウェアエンジニアリング研究所 所長・教授
向縄 嘉律哉 / BITGRIT Founder

Prof. Washizaki provided his invited talk titled “Machine Learning Software Engineering Patterns and Their Engineering Approaches” at the IEEE/ACM Webinar

Prof. Washizaki provided his invited talk titled “Machine Learning Software Engineering Patterns and Their Engineering Approaches” at the Webinar organized by IEEE Computer Society, Madras, Computer Society of India, Chennai, and Association for Computing Machinery, Chennai, on April 20th, 2024.

Prof. Washizaki provided his keynote at RAIE2024 collocated with ICSE2024 Lisbon. Furthermore, Prof. Kaz, Jati and Prof. Washizaki presented posters at CAIN2024, and M2 Rie presented her paper at CHASE2024.

Prof. Washizaki provided his keynote titled “Machine Learning Software Engineering Patterns and Their Engineering” at RAIE2024 (2nd International Workshop on Responsible AI Engineering) collocated with ICSE2024 Lisbon. Furthermore, Prof. Kaz, Jati and Prof. Washizaki presented posters at CAIN2024, and M2 Rie presented her paper titled “Development of Data-driven Persona Including User Behavior and Pain Point” at CHASE2024.

A Taxonomy and Review of Prompt Engineering Patterns in Software Engineering, accepted for COMPSAC 2024

Yuya Sasaki, Hironori Washizaki, Jialong Li, Dominik Sander, Nobukazu Yoshioka and Yoshiaki Fukazawa, “A Taxonomy and Review of Prompt Engineering Patterns in Software Engineering,” 48th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024), Osaka, Japan, July 2 – 4, 2024.

Waseda Next Generation AI Innovation Ecosystem Challenging Research Program (PI: Prof. Washizaki) selected for JST BOOST 国家戦略分野の若手研究者及び博士後期課程学生の育成事業 #BOOST 次世代AI人材育成プログラムに早稲田大学「早稲田・次世代AIイノベーション・エコシステム挑戦的研究プログラム」(事業統括: 鷲崎教授) 採択

“Waseda Next Generation AI Innovation Ecosystem Challenging Research Program” (PI: Prof. Washizaki, Waseda University) has been selected for the grant program JST BOOST Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation in the area of next generation AI. The program will foster outstanding PhDs who will pioneer next-generation AI and form an academia-industry ecosystem.

国家戦略分野の若手研究者及び博士後期課程学生の育成事業 BOOST 次世代AI人材育成プログラムに早稲田大学「早稲田・次世代AIイノベーション・エコシステム挑戦的研究プログラム」(事業統括: 鷲崎教授)採択。次世代AI開拓の優れた博士を育成しエコシステムを形成してまいります。

Prof. Naoyasu Ubayashi (former professor at Kyushu University) joined our team: “Reliable Software Engineering – Washizaki and Ubayashi Laboratory” in April 2024

Prof. Naoyasu Ubayashi (former professor at Kyushu University) joined our team, which is now called “Reliable Software Engineering – Washizaki and Ubayashi Laboratory” in April 2024. Furthermore, we welcomed many new students assigned to our lab. Welcome! We enjoyed rice donated by an alumnus, Masuda-kun. Thanks!