Our lab held a casual party to welcome the 2024 September assigned students. Welcome to Washizaki and Ubayashi lab!
- 鷲崎 弘宜, “正統なエンジニアリングへの導き”, 書籍『にしさんの教え』, 「にしさんの教え」出版プロジェクト(ASTER)著, 河野哲也, 鈴木順仁, 秋山浩一 編, 2024.
鷲崎教授が『新版 人材開発辞典』(東洋経済新報社)に情報系の用語解説寄稿
鷲崎教授が『新版 人材開発辞典』(東洋経済新報社)に情報系の用語解説寄稿
- 二神 恭一, 藁谷 友紀, 奥林 康司 編, “新版 人材開発辞典”(鷲崎が情報系用語について説明寄稿), 東洋経済新報社, 2024年9月25日
IEEE-CS SWEBOK Guide V4 is finally out!
IEEE-CS SWEBOK Guide V4 is finally out! Congrats and thank all editors, reviewers, and volunteers for your contributions! The Webinar series on SWEBOK Guide V4 introduction is ongoing; join us and discover latest of BOK in software engineering.
- Hironori Washizaki, eds., “Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide), Version 4.0,” IEEE Computer Society, 2024; www.swebok.org
Prof. Washizaki as IEEE-CS President-Elect 2024 joined the AICSSYC 2024: All India CS Student & Young Professional Congress
Prof. Washizaki as IEEE-CS President-Elect 2024 joined the AICSSYC 2024: All India CS Student & Young Professional Congress hosted at Galgotias University, Greater Noida, to give his remark and talk.
Prof. Yoshioka and Prof. Washizaki joined the Shonan meeting on Trustworthy Machine Learning System Engineering Techniques for Practical Applications
From our lab, Prof. Yoshioka and Prof. Washizaki joined the Shonan meeting on Trustworthy Machine Learning System Engineering Techniques for Practical Applications.
早稲田大学 統合報告書 Vision Report- 2023-2024 にて高信頼AI開発フレームワークの取り組み掲載
早稲田大学で初めての試みとなる「統合報告書 -Vision Report- 2023-2024」をリリースし、次代の中核研究者育成プログラム 研究事例として当研究室の高信頼AI開発フレームワークの取り組みが取り上げられました。ぜひご覧ください。
Identifying Relationships between Attack Patterns using Large Language Models, accepted for IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
Takuma Tsuchida, Rikuho Miyata, Hironori Washizaki, Kensuke Sumoto, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, “Identifying Relationships between Attack Patterns using Large Language Models,” IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security, pp. 1-12, 2025. (SCIE, IF=0.4)
スマートエスイー: IoT・AI・DX分野のリカレント教育とカリキュラム発展, 論文誌 工学教育 (Journal of JSEE) 採択
1st IEEE CS Juniors program 2024 Montevideo was successfully over!
Thanks to organizers Irene and Martha, Museum Espacio Ciencia, IEEE Uruguay section, IEEE executive Eric, and all K-12 student participants, teachers, volunteers, and supporters, the 1st IEEE CS Juniors program 2024 Montevideo (co-chaired by me and Irene) was super successful. The CS Juniors program is a new initiative that inspires pre-university students in Computer Society areas while building relationships among students, teachers, community volunteers, and society members.
At the program, students had great experiences in drone programming and circuit design guided by Museum experts and volunteers from the IEEE Uruguay Section and the University of Montevideo. Finally, they showed us their great ideas and achievements in problem-solving! Furthermore, we had a teacher workshop to continuously build and grow a community and keep inspiring the next generations and related people.
Thank you all. Let’s continue inspiring together with IEEE-CS!