Prof. Dr. Hironori Washizaki elected IEEE Computer Society 2025 President (2024 President-Elect)

Prof. Hironori Washizaki has been voted IEEE Computer Society 2024 president-elect and 2025 president. Here are his comments on the election result.

Thanks for the support and encouragement during the election. Moreover, it was my great honor to go through the election campaign with such a great, passionate opponent. Let’s unite and work together for the benefit of humanity through fostering technological innovation and excellence in computer and information processing science and technology. I am genuinely excited and have a great honor to work with IEEE Computer Society members, related people, and entities by overseeing IEEE CS programs and operations and leading future directions in the year ahead. Particularly, as stated in my position statement, I envision and will lead moving forward the following aligned with IEEE CS’s strategic goals and themes:

  1. Promoting CS membership to get more engagement, especially for students and early-career industrial/academia professionals.
  2. Expanding academia-industry-government-society collaborations across other IEEE societies and external entities.
  3. Enhancing activities that define and promote bodies of knowledge and related professional activities.
  4. Strengthening digital open science and environments.

Once again, thanks for the support, and let’s work together!


All publications are listed here: publications (Result / 公開成果). Selected Publications include:


Hironori Washizaki is a Professor and the Associate Dean of the Research Promotion Division at Waseda University in Tokyo and a Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Informatics. He also works in the industry as Outside Director of eXmotion. He is advisor of University of Human Enviroments.

IEEE activities: Hironori currently serves as President-Elect 2024 (and President 2025) of the IEEE CS to lead its activities and future directions. He has been on CS BoG since 2021. He has led professional and educational activities, including the evolution of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) and organizing educational courses and certifications at the CS Professional and Educational Activities Board (PEAB). He was awarded Golden Core Member, Distinguished Contributor, and Spirit of the Computer Society Award from CS. He serves as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), Steering Committee Member of the IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), and Advisory Committee Member of the IEEE CS flagship conference COMPSAC. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a Professional Member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu. He has been the general chair and program chair of multiple IEEE conferences, including ICST, CSEE&T, and SIoT/SISA of COMPSAC. Additionally, he has been the Chair of the CS Japan Chapter.

Research and Contribution: Hironori’s research interests include systems and software engineering. He received his Ph.D. in information and computer science from Waseda University in 2003. He has published more than 200 research papers in refereed international journals and conferences, including IEEE Computer, IEEE IoT-J, TETC, EMSE, SCICO, ICSE, and ASE. He has led many academia-industry joint research and large-funded projects in software design, reuse, traceability, and quality assurance. Recent achievements include IoT design patterns published in IoT-J 2020 and Machine Learning Design Patterns in Computer 2022. He is leading a professional IoT/AI education project called SmartSE. Since 2015, he has been the Convenor of ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 to standardize bodies of knowledge and certifications, and leading adoptions of CS products SWEBOK and Software Engineering Competency Model (SWECOM) into standards.

Biographical Information:

    • E-mail: washizaki [at]
    • CV: As of 11th Mar 2024
    • Twitter: @Hiro_Washi
    • Facebook: hironori.washizaki
    • Publications: All (1999-)
    • Waseda Researcher DB: WASHIZAKI, Hironori  (鷲崎弘宜)
    • researchmap: Hironori Wahizaki (鷲崎弘宜)
    • Wikipedia: 鷲崎弘宜
    • DBLP: Hironori Washizaki
    • Google Scholar: Hironori Washizaki
    • Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint: Hironori Washizaki
    • KAKEN: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Database: Hironori Washizaki
    • 鷲崎弘宜
    • Current Board/organizing committee member in 2023-2024
      • IEEE Computer Society, President-Elect 2024
      • IEEE Computer Society, 1st Vice President 2023
      • IEEE Computer Society, Board of Governors (BoG) member 2021-2023
      • International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Editor (SCIE Indexed)
      • ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG20, Convenor
      • CSEE&T, Steering Committee Member
      • APSEC, Steering Committee Member
      • IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEEHKN), Professional Member
      • IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC), Associate Editor
      • COMPSAC, Advisory Committee Member
      • Education Sciences, Editorial Board Member
      • Software, Editorial Board member
      • Applied Computing and Informatics, Editorial Board member
      • Frontiers in Computer Science, Associate Editor
      • International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Research Council, Member
      • COMPSAC/SIoT 2022-2024, Symposium Co-Chair
      • ICSEA 2021-2023, Steering Committee Member
      • SEKE 2010-2023, Asia Liaison
      • 情報処理学会ソフトウエア工学研究会 IPSJ-SIGSE, 主査 2021-2024
      • JST CREST 信頼されるAIシステム, 領域アドバイザ 2021-2025
      • IEEE ICET 2021-2023 Advisory Chair
      • IEEE CSEE&T 2023 General Chair
      • 日本ソフトウェア科学会 論文賞選考委員
      • DSA 2023 General Chair
      • ACM SPLC 2023 Publication Chair
      • IC4E 2023 Conference Advisory Chair
      • APSEC 2024 Education track Co-Chair
      • IISA 2024 General Co-Chair
      • IEEE Cybermatics Congress 2024 General Co-Chair
      • AsianPLoP 2024 Advisory Chair
      • IEEE ISSRE 2024 Advisory Member
      • ACM AIware, Steering Committee Member
      • Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Honor Society), Member
      • IEEE ICST 2025 Journal-First track Co-chair
    • 公的役職
      • 2015-2017 法務省 民事局戸籍システム検討ワーキンググループ 委員
      • 2017-2019 法務省 法制審議会戸籍部会 幹事
      • 2019 経済産業省 デジタルプラットフォーム構築事業システムガバナンスの在り方検討会 委員
      • 2019 経済産業省 DXを促進するためのシステムガバナンスに関する有識者会議 委員
      • 2020 経済産業省 デジタルトランスフォーメーションの加速に向けた研究会 委員、WG1 座長
      • 2021-2023 厚生労働省 技術審査委員
      • 2021-2022 法務省 法制審議会戸籍部会 幹事
      • 2021-2022 経済産業省 デジタル産業への変革に向けた研究会 委員
      • 2022 日本学術振興会 特別研究員等審査会審査員
      • 科学研究費助成事業 審査委員
    • Recent Board/organizing committee member in the past:  IEEE CS Japan Chapter Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. APSEC 2007 Publicity Chair, CSEE&T 2015 Publicity Chair, IEICE Trans. Info. Sys. Editor (SCIE Indexded), Heliyon Editor (Elsevier), AsianPLoP 2016 Co-Chair, AsianPLoP 2017 Local Co-ChairICST 2017 Co-Program Chair, SEKE2010-2022 Asia Liaison, PPAP 2016-2017 Organizer, CSEE&T 2017 PC Co-Chair, DEPEND 2016-2017 Steering Committee Member, FASSI 2016-2019 Steering Committee Member, VALID 2016-2019 Steering Committee Member, APSEC 2018 PC Co-Chair, COMPSAC 2018 Local Chair, WESPr-18 Organizer, COMPSAC/SISA 2019 PC Co-Chair, IEEE Computer Society Professional & Educational Activities Board Ad Hoc Committee Chair, IEEE Computer Society Membership at Large for the Professional and Educational Activities Board (PEAB), IEEE Computer Society SWEBOK Steering Group Member, IEEE CS Japan Chapter vice-chair, SEMAT Japan Chapter Chair, IPSJ SamurAI Coding Director, Journal of Software and Systems Special Issue on Software Engineering Education and Training Guest Editor, AsianPLoP’19 General Chair, ISEC 2019 Workshop Co-Chair, AsianPLoP 2020 General Co-Chair, IEEE ICPC 2020 Programming Education Track PC Co-Chair, SCAM 2020 Engineering Track PC Co-Chair, iMLSE 2021 Co-Organizer, MODELS 2021 Industry/Exhibition Co-Chair, ICTAI 2021 Area Chair, HICSS/CSEE&T 2022 Mini-Track Chair, COMPSAC/SIoT 2020-2022 Symposium Co-Chair, IEEE ICET 2021-2022 Advisory Co-Chair, ICTEM 2022 Advisory Co-Chair, ACM SIGSCOFT Influential Educator Award selection committee member, APSEC 2022 General Chair, ICSEA 2021-2022 Steering Committee Member, 情報処理学会ソフトウエア工学研究会 主査 2021-2024, JST CREST 信頼されるAIシステム 領域アドバイザ 2021-2025, IEEE Computer Society Vice President for Professional and Educational Activities (PEAB) 2021-2022, ICETM 2022 Advisory Co-Chair, APSEC 2022 General Chair, APSEDEI 2022 Organizer

鷲崎 弘宜(わしざき ひろのり)

早稲田大学 研究推進部 副部長、早稲田大学グローバルソフトウェアエンジニアリング研究所所長、早稲田大学理工学術院基幹理工学部情報理工学科教授、国立情報学研究所客員教授、株式会社システム情報 取締役(監査等委員)、株式会社エクスモーション 社外取締役。1976年生まれ。99年早稲田大学理工学部情報学科卒業、01年同大学院理工学研究科情報科学専攻修士前期課程修了、03年博士後期課程修了、博士(情報科学)。02年同大学助手、04年国立情報学研究所助手。05年総合研究大学院大学助手。07年同研究所助教、および、同大学助教。08年早稲田大学理工学術院准教授、および、国立情報学研究所客員准教授。文部科学省社会人教育事業enPiT-Proスマートエスイー事業責任者。15年Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal客員滞在。16年早稲田大学教授。ソフトウェア、コンピュータプログラム、情報システムの研究、教育、社会実装に従事。他の活動にACM-ICPC 2014 Asia Regional Tokyo Contest Director、IEEE CS Japan Chapter Chair/Vice-Chair、SEMAT Japan Chapter Chair、IPSJ SamurAI Coding Director、ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 Convenor、日科技連SQiP研究会運営小委員会委員長・副委員長、同研究会演習コース主査、I. J. Soft. Eng. & Know. Eng.、IEICE Trans. Info & Sys., Heliyon、情報処理学会論文誌、コンピュータソフトウェア誌、品質誌 各論文誌編集委員、大学入試センター試験作問委員、IPA SECジャーナル論文賞選考委員、法務省戸籍システムWG委員、日本ソフトウェア科学会理事、SPAQu’07-09・AsisanPLoP’10・IEEE ICST 2017・IEEE CSEE&T 2017・APSEC 2018 PC Chair, AsianPLoP’11・14-15 General Chair, ASE’06 workshop co-chair, APSEC’07・ASE’12・CSEE&T’15・BICT 2015 publicity chair, SEKE’10-17 Asia liaison, MAPLE・SCALE’13・PPAP’16 organizer, SPLC’13・IEEE COMPSAC 2018 Local Chair. 情報処理学会シニア会員。04年日本ソフトウェア科学会高橋奨励賞、06年情報処理学会SES2006優秀論文賞、08年情報処理学会山下記念研究賞、08年船井情報科学奨励賞、08年日経品質管理文献賞(対象文献執筆分担者)、09年テスト技術者振興協会善吾賞、FIT2009船井ベストペーパー賞、14年IWESEP 2014 Best Poster Award、16年 APSCIT Computer Research Contribution Award、17年 日本工学教育協会 工学教育賞、17年 日本国際賞 後席にて天皇皇后両陛下へ研究紹介、早稲田大学2017年度リサーチアワード&ティーチングアワード総長賞ダブル受賞(大学初)、17年情報処理学会SES2017 インタラクティブ特別賞、17年Int. J. Soft. Eng. & Know. Eng. Most Read Articles, 18年Int. J. Soft. Eng. & Know. Eng. Most Read Articles。

Past position statement for IEEE CS Election Campagine 2023

To continuously develop a human-centered, digitalized, engineerable, sustainable, well-being world, IEEE CS must play critical roles in the global digitalization and intelligent computing movement. Towards this direction, I have led future strategic directions of CS, redefined the systems and software engineering disciplines, and re-organized professional and educational activities by serving as the CS 1st Vice President and the Professional and Educational Activities Board Engineering Disciplines Chair, IPSJ-SIGSE Chair, and ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7/WG20 Convenor.

I have spearheaded the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) Guide evolution, standardized bodies of knowledge and certifications, and organized educational courses. I have played key roles in leading research, education, and collaborations involving new and interdisciplinary technical areas, including Machine Learning Software Engineering. I have worked to expand the membership, such as COMPSAC/CSEE&T/APSEC Committee Member.

If elected, based on these experiences, (1) I will promote CS membership to get more engagement, especially for students and early-career industrial/academia professionals, by establishing strategic directions and aligning cross-committee activities with them to lead initiatives of continuous membership support and certification program redefinition, education course expansion, early-career professional activities’ promotion, and job-matching opportunity expansion. Furthermore, I will lead initiatives of the membership ecosystem by adopting a CS ambassador program and enhancing mentoring opportunities, as well as developing the CS’s brand awareness of broad ages, including K-12 to seniors. These contribute to CS’s Goal 1: Engage more students and early career professionals.

For example, I plan to lead launching ambassador program and enhancing mentoring opportunities, as well as developing the CS’s brand awareness of broad ages, including juniors as follows.

(2) I will expand academia-industry-government-society collaborations across other IEEE societies and external entities by leading the development of CS’s strategic long-term future directions and expanding opportunities for exploring gland challenges and promoting research outcomes as well as digital special interest group opportunities. These contribute to CS’s Goal 2: Engage more industry individuals and organizations.

(3) I will enhance activities that define and promote bodies of knowledge and related professional activities to build a solid foundation for further digitalization and smart computing involving new technical areas to develop a human-centered engineerable, and sustainable well-being world. These contribute to CS’S Goal 3: Lead the way in new technical areas.

For example, the following figure shows my vision in terms of how the physical world shall be enhanced by fully digitalized ResearchVerse as well as an executable knowledge-based digital open science such as open standards, open access, open data, and open source.

And (4) I will strengthen digital open science and environments such as providing remote conference and community building facility supports, reducing barriers to digital libraries and conferences, enriching online courses, and accelerating related standardization to handle the current difficult circumstances with much more geographic, gender, generation diversity and inclusion. These contribute to CS’s strategic themes.

The opinions on this page are mine and are not necessarily those of the IEEE Computer Society or the IEEE.