QA to AQ – Part Six – Being Agile at Quality, accepted at PLoP 2016 (CORE Rank B).

Joseph W. Yoder, Rebecca WirfsBrock, Hironori Washizaki, “QA to AQ – Part Six – Being Agile at Quality,” 23rd Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP 2016), Monticello, Illinois, USA, OCTOBER 24-26, 2016. (to appear)(CORE Rank B)

In order to pay appropriate attention to system qualities, it is important that quality is enabled and infused into the prioritized work throughout the whole process. This paper presents three patterns for Enabling and Infusing Quality: System Quali ty Specialist, Spread the Qual ity Workload, and Automate First. System Quality Specialists can help to define, test, and implement complex quality items that are complex and require a lot of expertise to get right. Spreading the Quality Workload throughout the development process can help keeps the team from being overburdened with quality tasks. Automating First what you can to streamline your build and testing processes enables you to eliminate tedious or mundane tasks allowing more time for team members to focus on implementation and testing of important qualities.