Prof. Washizaki provided an invited talk titled “SWEBOK V4 evolution (and its impact on education)” at the talk session organized by Nanjing University

Prof. Washizaki provided an invited talk titled “SWEBOK V4 evolution (and its impact on education)” at the talk session organized by Nanjing University. The SWEBOK evolution team will start its end-to-end publication soon.

Prof. Washizaki’s interview article with Kenji Hiranabe-san about our modeling framework for reliable machine learning system analysis using Astah*

Prof. Washizaki’s interview article with Kenji Hiranabe-san about our modeling framework for reliable machine learning system analysis using Astah* (integrated modeling platform) is on the #Astah blog. Take a look at the content and the video to confirm how our framework supports reliable ML system modeling!

Astah*(統合モデリングプラットフォーム)を用いた信頼性の高い機械学習システム分析のためのモデリングフレームワークについて、チェンジビジョン平鍋CEOから鷲崎教授へインタビューをいただいた記事が #Astah ブログに掲載されました。内容や動画をご覧いただき、ぜひフレームワークによる高信頼MLシステムのモデリングの様子をご覧ください!

The team, “Eagles” from Washizaki laboratory, competed with other laboratories well at the EWE softball tournament

The team, “Eagles” from Washizaki laboratory, competed with other laboratories well at the EWE softball tournament on Oct 4th, 2023, at Toda Park. The team won one game and was finally around 11th place among 20 teams in total. Congrats on successful and enjoyable play and networking! The following photos were taken at the tournament and prior practice.

ソフトウェアエンジニアリングにおけるジェンダーに対する日本の取り組み: 系統的文献レビュー, 情報処理学会論文誌に採録

鷲崎 弘宜, 小林 浩, 宮﨑 仁, 田中 佑奈, 槇原 絵里奈, ニウシャ ローズ, 新谷 勝利, 崔 恩瀞, 野田 夏子, “ソフトウェアエンジニアリングにおけるジェンダーに対する日本の取り組み: 系統的文献レビュー”, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 1-10, 2024.

Improvement in Program Repair Methods using Refactoring with GPT Models, accepted for ACM SIGCSE TS 2024

Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki and Yoshiaki Fukazawa, “Improvement in Program Repair Methods using Refactoring with GPT Models,” 55th ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference (SIGCSE TS) , Wed 20 – Sat 23 March 2024 Portland, Oregon, United States. (CORE Rank A)

Prof. Washizaki received congratulations on the occasion of the election of IEEE Computer Society 2025 President

On the occasion of the election of #IEEE Computer Society 2025 President, I received congratulations from KOMATSU Ohashi Chairman, Afrel, SmartSE, and former student Prof. Sakamoto with Willbooster members. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement! Furthermore, Prof. Yoshioka, with current students, made T-shirts with my face illustration as well as a message board! I am one of the happiest professors with such outstanding members, alums and students. I am delighted to work together with IEEE CS members, which would also have a good impact on our team. And we welcomed 20+ students who have been newly assigned to our team. Welcome!


リカレント教育の取り組みについて、東京大学・三重大学に加えて早稲田大学を中心とした産学連携スマートエスイー #SmartSE を日刊工業新聞・ニュースイッチにて取り上げていただきました。

日刊工業新聞・ニュースイッチ, 社会人の学び直し教育に脚光、大学が果たす役割, 2023年9月10日