作成者別アーカイブ: washizaki_lab.

スマートエスイー: IoT・AI・DX分野のリカレント教育とカリキュラム発展, 論文誌 工学教育 (Journal of JSEE) 採択

鷲崎 弘宜, 中村 賢治, 位野木 万里, 亀田 弘之, 鵜林 尚靖, 櫨山 淳雄, “スマートエスイー: IoT・AI・DX分野のリカレント教育とカリキュラム発展”, 工学教育 (Journal of JSEE), Vol. 73,No. 1, リカレント教育の新潮流と工学教育 特集号, pp. 1-7, 2024.

1st IEEE CS Juniors program 2024 Montevideo was successfully over!

Thanks to organizers Irene and Martha, Museum Espacio Ciencia, IEEE Uruguay section, IEEE executive Eric, and all K-12 student participants, teachers, volunteers, and supporters, the 1st IEEE CS Juniors program 2024 Montevideo (co-chaired by me and Irene) was super successful. The CS Juniors program is a new initiative that inspires pre-university students in Computer Society areas while building relationships among students, teachers, community volunteers, and society members.

At the program, students had great experiences in drone programming and circuit design guided by Museum experts and volunteers from the IEEE Uruguay Section and the University of Montevideo. Finally, they showed us their great ideas and achievements in problem-solving! Furthermore, we had a teacher workshop to continuously build and grow a community and keep inspiring the next generations and related people.

Thank you all. Let’s continue inspiring together with IEEE-CS!

IEEE-CS SWEBOK Guide V4 Webinar

IEEE Computer Society PEAB SWEBOK team held the 1st SWEBOK V4 Webinar. Subsequent webinars are planned on Oct 23rd, Nov 27th, and Dec 9th. Join us and discover the latest body of knowledge of software engineering! Thanks to the IEEE Japan office and IEEE/IEEE-CS directors and staffs, the webinar series has attracted around 300 registrations!

No.1, 26th September, 1:00 AM – 3:00 AM UTC
Introduction, Software Requirements (Chapter 1) , Software
Architecture (2), Software Design (3), Software Construction (4)

No.2, 23rd October, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM UTC
Software Testing (5), Software Engineering Operations (6),
Software Maintenance (7), Software Configuration Management (8),
Software Engineering Management (9)

No.3, 27th November 1:00 AM – 3:00 AM UTC
Software Engineering Models and Methods (11),
Software Quality (12), Software Security (13),
Software Engineering Professional Practice (14),
IEEE and ISO/IEC Standards Supporting SWEBOK (Appendix B)

No.4, 9th December, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM UTC
Software Engineering Process (10), Software Engineering
Economics (15), Computing Foundations (16), Mathematical
Foundations (17), Engineering Foundations (18)

情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会フラッグシップ会議 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム SES2024 終了

情報処理学会ソフトウェア工学研究会フラッグシップ会議 ソフトウェアエンジニアリングシンポジウム SES2024 終了。230名ほどのご参加があり、対面開催として過去最大級となりました。研究室からも多くのポター発表、ならびに高信頼機械学習システム開発フレームワークのミニ・チュートリアル実施。スポンサー、運営関係者、講演者、参加者ほか皆様、有難うございました!

As WG Convenor, Prof. Washizaki introduced the overview of ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG20 at CESI 40th anniversary promotion event

As WG Convenor, Prof. Washizaki introduced the overview of ISO/IEC/JTC1 SC7/WG20, particularly standards of Certification of software and systems engineering professionals and SWEBOK Guide at China Electronic Standardizations Institute (CESI) 40th anniversary promotion event.

As IEEE-CS President 2025, Prof. Washizaki gave his talk to present his vision and prospects at the SYP Fireside Fusion

As IEEE-CS President 2025, Prof. Washizaki gave his talk to present his vision and prospects (including new initiatives such as IEEE CS Juniors program) at the SYP Fireside Fusion. Thank you for organizing the event.