作成者別アーカイブ: washizaki_lab.

Enterprise Architecture-based Metamodel for Machine Learning Projects and its Management, accepted for Future Generation Computer Systems (SCIE, IF=6.2)

Hironori Takeuchi, Jati H. Husenb, Hnin Thandar Tun, Hironori Washizaki, Nobukazu Yoshioka, “Enterprise Architecture-based Metamodel for Machine Learning Projects and its Management,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, pp. 1-12, 2024. (SCIE, IF=6.2)

Our paper has been selected to appear in the ACM Showcase on Kudos: How to Create Persona from User Click Log Data of Existing Software?

Our paper titled “Development of Data-driven Persona Including User Behavior and Pain Point through Clustering with User Log of B2B Software” (at CHASE 2024) has been selected to appear in the ACM Showcase on Kudos: How to Create Persona from User Click Log Data of Existing Software?

Integrated Multi-view Modeling for Reliable Machine Learning-Intensive Software Engineering, accepted for Software Quality Journal (Springer, SCIE)

Jati H. Husen, Hironori Washizaki, Jomphon Runpakprakun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hnin Thandar Tun, Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Hironori Takeuchi, “Integrated Multi-view Modeling for Reliable Machine Learning-Intensive Software Engineering,” Software Quality Journal, pp. 1-51, Springer, 2024. (SCIE, IF=1.9)

In the 2nd episode of Hillside PatternCast on spotify, hosted by Eduardo, Prof. Washizaki had an exciting talk about patterns that can be applied when designing a software architecture with Machine Learning components

In the 2nd episode of Hillside PatternCast on spotify, hosted by Eduardo, Prof. Washizaki had an exciting talk about patterns that can be applied when designing a software architecture with Machine Learning components. Listen and enjoy!

Prof. Washizaki joined the IEEE Computer Society ExCom and Board of Goernors meetings (and RAS/Global Chapter Summits) as the CS President-Elect (and President 2025)

Prof. Washizaki joined the IEEE Computer Society ExCom and Board of Goernors meetings (and RAS/Global Chapter Summits) as the CS President-Elect (and President 2025). Under the outstanding leadership of President Jyotika, it is our great honor to lead the society and work together to advance computing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Prof. Washizaki joined 1st International Symposium on Future of Software Engineering (FUSE2024)

Prof. Washizaki joined 1st International Symposium on Future of Software Engineering (FUSE2024) in Okinawa, Japan. Thanks to GCs, organizers, and all participants, it was a great symposium with insights, ideas, networking, and fun. Prof. Washizaki introduced the SWEBOK Guide V4 with its potential usage in software engineering education, followed by great discussion.